Will All-on-Four Dentures Feel Natural in Place?

All-on-4 implant dentures offer a shorter adjustment period and longer-lasting results than traditional dentures. Learn more about how they feel in place.

Will All-on-Four Dentures Feel Natural in Place?

When you place implants underneath your existing denture, they help keep it in place but don't provide much reinforcement for biting and chewing. Food should still be cut into smaller pieces and softer to be eaten comfortably. All-on-4 implants, however, are like having natural teeth again. The new teeth rest on the implants instead of the gums, which prevents the wear and tear caused by dentures and the unsightly metal of partial dentures.

All-on-4 dentures virtually eliminate all the shortcomings of traditional dental prostheses due to their unique placement. Many patients with dentures believe they are not eligible for dental implants, but four-layer dental implants are suitable for many of them. Additionally, dentures do not replace the root of the tooth, which can lead to jaw bone deterioration due to lack of stimulation and cause further pain and embarrassment. Suction and a bit of denture adhesive can help keep traditional dentures in place, especially when you first get used to them.

However, they make it difficult to chew food properly and some hard or chewy foods may not be fully eaten as dentures can't handle them. Another advantage of All-on-4 implant dentures is that patients can often have them placed on the same day as dental implant surgery. Dentures with All-on-4 implants offer a shorter adjustment period and longer-lasting results than traditional dentures.

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