Recovering from All-on-Four Dental Implants: How Long Does It Take?

All-on-four dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth or inferior solutions such as removable dentures. Learn how long it takes to recover from the procedure.

Recovering from All-on-Four Dental Implants: How Long Does It Take?

All-on-four dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth or inferior solutions, such as removable dentures. But how long does it take to recover from the procedure? Generally, it takes between three and four weeks for a full recovery, although you can resume work and other activities in a few days. Your dentist will likely recommend that you take two to three days off work to recover from the procedure. The nature of your work will also affect how long it takes for you to recover.

If your job is physically tiring, you may need to stay home and recover for at least three days. If your work is more sedentary, you'll probably only need one to two days off work. It's important to follow a soft food diet for about three months after getting your All-on-four dental implants. The temporary dentures you'll wear while your implants heal aren't designed for chewing on hard foods.

Avoid crunchy snacks such as pretzels, crackers, or potato chips. Also, avoid drinking through a straw, as suction can dislodge protective blood clots that form near the implant sites. If you do strenuous physical activities, this can divert blood away from the surgery site, which will delay healing. Avoid intense workouts, heavy lifting, and similar activities as much as possible.

When a traditional dental prosthesis is placed, the recovery and adjustment period can last from three months to a year, depending on the circumstances. However, most patients can return to work in a couple of days with just a little Tylenol. With proper care and attention, you'll be able to enjoy your new smile in no time!.

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