Exploring Alternatives to All-on-Four Dental Implants

Are you considering all-on-four dental implants? Here are four alternatives to all-on-four implants that you may want to consider.

Exploring Alternatives to All-on-Four Dental Implants

Are you considering all-on-four dental implants as a solution for replacing your missing teeth? While this is a popular option, there are other alternatives available. At All on 4 Perth Dental Implant Center, we believe that all patients should have every option available. Here are four alternatives to all-on-four implants that you may want to consider.

Fixed Implant Bridges

Fixed implant bridges are a great option for those who don't want to remove all of their teeth in one arch. The dental surgeon will place several bridges on top of the implants, and no special abutments are needed.

This option offers an appearance that mimics natural teeth, and it doesn't require the same bone removal as other options.

Removable Dentures

Removable dentures with implants offer more stability than full-mouth dentures. This option allows patients to remove the dental implant for cleaning and place it in place for use. For patients with partial tooth loss, dental implants may be the best option.

All on Four Implants

All on Four can provide a permanent tooth replacement solution that does not require implant removal. However, this option also requires patients to change the fixing inserts every few months, making it a time-consuming alternative.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option for those who want to replace one or more missing teeth.

The implant is placed directly into the jawbone and acts as an anchor for the replacement tooth. This option offers a natural look and feel, and it can last for many years with proper care.

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